Peer Mentoring

The Peer Listeners, also known as Peer Mentors, are a volunteer group of Lower Sixth Form students who support younger students. Recognised by their light pink lanyards, they are trained by the Pink House and are then available for students to talk to any time outside the classroom.

The Peer Listeners are able to choose where to operate; half of the group make themselves available in the Senior School and can be seen, for example, chatting to students in the common rooms or Pink House. Half of them have volunteered to support students in the Prep School where they will be on hand at break times – some even run clubs for the students, which are really popular.

The Peer Listeners are often drawn to the role because they have struggled in the past to deal with issues such as anxiety, bereavement, friendship difficulties, and family separation. This gives them a clear understanding of the issues many younger students are grappling with and forms another layer of pastoral support below the Pink House and tutors. Students sometimes find it easier to approach a Peer Listener than a member of staff to chat over a problem and, as extra pairs of eyes around the School, the listeners often alert the Pink House if they spot a student who appears to be struggling or vulnerable.