Competitive Houses
The spirit of competition is alive and well here at Seaford College.
There are plenty of opportunities for students to compete in sports teams against other schools, and we cater for different levels of ability. Competition allows you to develop a Growth Mindset and learn from every experience on and off the field of play.
As well as inter-school competition, we also encourage inter-House competition within Seaford College. Every pupil is assigned to one of five Houses – Corsica, Charmandean, Adair, Kymes and Millburgh – which compete in a number of competitions throughout the year. In the Prep School, pupils are assigned to one of two Houses: Springfield and Norwood.
Our major House competitions throughout the year are: a quiz at the end of the Autumn Term, a Music Competition in the Spring Term, and Sports Days in the Summer Term.
Other House Competitions include:
House Rugby
House Hockey
House Christmas Quiz
House Debating
House Christmas Bake-off
House Music Solo Singing
House Music Solo Instrumental
House Readathon
House Salt Challenge in Science