Outdoor Learning
Nestled in over 450 acres of listed parkland, Seaford College is in an excellent location for outdoor education. All students take part in CCF in Year 9, and spend time learning how to navigate around the College grounds before moving further afield into the College woods and the South Downs. In addition, students are highly encouraged to enrol in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. We also run Forest School in the Prep School, so that once a week our Prep School students can learn more about the local woodland environment in a hands-on way, developing skills, confidence, and self-esteem. Our Forest School area is a very inspiring part of the campus, and one that students really enjoy.
Aside from this, we also like to make use of our surroundings whenever the opportunity allows, from taking a Music lesson on the slope outside Mansion House, to taking an Art class outside, to Tutor groups having their meetings on the fields in the summer. We truly believe that our students benefit from spending as much time in our amazing surroundings as possible. Not only does it help the learning process, but it’s also wonderful for improving our students' mental health, particularly during stressful exam times.