Academic Enrichment
Our aim at Seaford is for every student to achieve their personal best.
We welcome the academically gifted, as well as those who find the examination culture a challenge, and we’re very proud of the learning support we provide to all our students. On top of identifying and helping students with learning difficulties, we also believe it’s important to identify students with exceptional academic potential, and provide them with the support they need to fully stretch themselves.
We have hosted conferences on challenging more able learners in the past, so our teachers are constantly aware of the characteristics of able learners, and the ways they can help those characteristics flourish.
Academically gifted pupils are identified in subject areas and are stretched to explore beyond the curriculum by their teachers. A centralised programme enhances this aim by providing opportunity to attend additional talks, workshops, and coaching.
All of our students are constantly monitored as to the progress they are making, and this enables the academically gifted groups to be constantly targeted and progress reviewed. Sixth Form students are also given one-to-one time with the Head of Department in the subject that they wish to specialise in. Groups are constantly reviewed through the use of data and teacher testimony, as well as through talking to the students and their parents.
Whilst Seaford College identifies particular students for inclusion in the programme, we are also very inclusive, and the door is open to anyone with a particular academic interest to get involved.
As part of the programme, Seaford College puts together a broad range of events and activities that enable them to further stretch themselves, such as trips to university lectures in different subjects, debates, and public speaking competitions.
Our Director of Teaching and Learning, James Gisby, has put together a fantastic Academic Enrichment programme for Seaford Connected Learning and it has been very popular with students. Here is a video from his lecture, 'Who's coming to dinner?'. Students were allocated famous historical individuals (and Dwayne Johnson!) and they had to sit them at the dinner table. The aim was to have an enjoyable evening that did not end in bloodshed. Students spent time researching their individual before we had a debate on the seating arrangement.
We begin the process of encouraging student interest in higher education early on. This includes alternative pathways to those offered by universities. For those students wishing to apply to Oxbridge or to study Medicine or Veterinary Science, we offer close monitoring and ongoing support throughout the process.
James Gisby, Director of Teaching and Learning
Students who wish to apply to Oxbridge are taken to bespoke conferences, designed to demystify the process and discover what the university is looking for, as well as visits to Oxford and Cambridge to learn more about life there. They are mentored throughout the application process, given recommendations for extra reading, suggestions on extra activities that may help when it comes to making their application, and training on the interviews they may have.
Seaford stretches us academically but there is no pressure. I really enjoy exploring ideas with my mentor and the extra work I do beyond the curriculum is really stimulating. I feel supported to do well and achieve my full potential."
Alex Hodson, former student
We have 18 months to prepare for Oxbridge and UCAS; I make sure students are saying the right things on their application forms. Alongside their mentor, we make sure they are reading the right books and doing the right things to put them in the best position for success."
Director of Sixth Form