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  • Creative Curriculum
  • Prep School News

Fantastic examples of Year 4 Seaford Connected Learning projects

Year 4 have produced impressive work at Seaford Connected Learning Homeschool.  Students have worked on many subjects including the Romans, the weather and Andy Goldsworthy inspired artwork in nature. 

Year 4 teachers, Mrs Jones and Mrs Lyne, are teaching from home over Zoom and students have created and sent in their work.  They were so proud of the work they have received that they decided to celebrate the successes with a montage video of the work.    

Mrs Jones said: “I’m so proud of all of my students and the way they’ve adapted to working at home during lockdown. They’re enjoying a broad and exciting curriculum and we all enjoy catching up on Zoom at tutor time. I love seeing the creative work they are doing at home for Seaford Connected Learning.”

Mrs Lyne said: “It absolutely makes my day when I receive a photo of another piece of amazing work submitted by our fantastic children during this time of connected learning - they are all Seaford Successes!”

Enjoy our video:

Andy Goldsworthy inspired Art projects:

Learning about the weather in Geography:


  • Prep School