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Lucy spoke to us about Seaford’s values and pastoral support.

Reflecting on her time at Seaford, Lucy said: “I love Seaford because of Mrs Strange and the pastoral support. I owe my entire Seaford journey to Mrs Strange. She’ll be one of my best friends probably forever, because I owe her so much. She’s just incredible, there’s no one else like her.

I was diagnosed with anxiety quite badly in Year 8 and then I really struggled with socialising. Seaford has been amazing, if I hadn’t had the pastoral support there was no way I’d have even done my GCSEs let alone my A Levels. I feel so much more confident to go on and start the next chapter.

I like Seaford’s values, everyone is supported, and everyone is treated equally. Seaford just accommodates everyone, whether you’re really bright or need support. They look after everyone and I think that’s amazing.”

Enjoy your next adventure Lucy, and thank you for a great interview about why Seaford is such a good school for everyone.

  • A Level
  • A Level results
  • Pastoral Support
  • Wellbeing