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Year 6 were reminded how well they have done during lockdown with a thank you from their teachers.

Wellbeing is a very important part of Seaford's culture and ethos. Year 6 received this message and pencils from their Year 6 teachers today reminding the students about what they've achieved during lockdown.


It says:


Year 6 Lockdown Learners.... you have done us proud!


Enduring significant change in life is rarely easy; it has however been necessary over recent months.


The 'flexible' pencil...
Do not forget how flexible you have had to be.


The 'newspaper' pencil...
Do not forget how creative you have had to be.


The 'petite' pencil...
Do not forget that, although you are still small, you are also very strong.


x Very well done indeed x


With our best wishes... Mrs M, and Mrs S.


#Lovetolearn #Seafordwellbeing